Three Commissioners Participate in NCBFAA Panel: A Conversation with FMC - Federal Maritime Commission
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Three Commissioners Participate in NCBFAA Panel: A Conversation with FMC


On Wednesday, September 23rd, Commissioners Dye, Maffei, and Bentzel spoke at a panel hosted virtually by the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America. The Commissioners each spoke for a few minutes and then answered questions from the audience. A wide variety of issues were covered, among them being the Commission’s recent fact-finding investigations and current conditions in the industry. The Commissioners encouraged members of the NCBFAA to keep open lines of communication with the FMC.

Commissioners Maffei and Bentzel, with host Ed Greenburg. Commissioner Dye participated telephonically.

Commissioners Maffei and Bentzel, with host Ed Greenburg. Commissioner Dye participated telephonically.