Temporary Adjustments in FMC Operations
To assist in slowing the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases, and to limit the exposure risk to its employees, the Federal Maritime Commission is taking steps that temporarily change its operations.
The Commission remains open and operational, but it will hold meetings and other public-facing activities via phone, e-mail, and other platforms that allow for reduced in-person contact.
Regulated entities remain obligated to comply with all filing requirements and deadlines.
If you need to send to or file any documents with the Commission, you should send an email to the Commission. Email addresses for individual offices can be found on our website: https://www.fmc.gov/about-the-fmc/bureaus-offices/
Please do not send payment for services by check through the mail. Instead, you may use our online payment portal: https://www2.fmc.gov/payments/Fees.aspx
If you are a party or counsel in a docketed proceeding, we request you transmit any filings by email to secretary@fmc.gov as permitted by 46 CFR 502.2(f). If you have particular concerns or questions about filing please contact the Secretary at the same address. If you are intending to file a new formal complaint, please contact the Secretary before filing.
Finally, the Commission has provided its employees with maximum flexibility to work remotely. Staff will still be available, but contact will need to be made via email or telephone.
For information about coronavirus (COVID-19), please go to: https://www.coronavirus.gov.