Statement Archive - Federal Maritime Commission
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Archive for the ‘Statement’ Category

Statement of Commissioner Bentzel to Accompany Vote on Notation No. 20-20, Interpretive Rule on Detention and Demurrage


I would like to commend Commissioner Dye, the Office of the General Counsel, and the Commission staff that labored arduously to help produce this interpretive rule. It was truly a massive effort, and all should be congratulated for their efforts in the production of this rule. I believe that the… Read More »

Chairman Michael A. Khouri Statement on Demurrage & Detention Interpretive Rule


For many years, American importers and exporters, together with critical transport service providers, such as ocean transportation intermediaries and truck operators, have been frustrated by certain business practices employed by container vessel common carriers and marine terminal operators. Ultimately, an industry coalition filed a petition with the Commission requesting a… Read More »

Chairman Michael Khouri Comments on Fact Finding 29


The global COVID-19 pandemic is having effects throughout our ocean supply chain. I requested Commissioner Rebecca Dye to, once again, stand up the Innovation Teams that were assembled within Fact Finding 28 to identify collaborative solutions to uncertainties and problems in this international supply chain. I am pleased that the… Read More »