Acting Chairman Khouri & Commissioner Dye Address Transportation Legal Professionals - Federal Maritime Commission
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Acting Chairman Khouri & Commissioner Dye Address Transportation Legal Professionals


The Federal Maritime Commission Hearing Room was the venue today for “Transportation Forum XV”, an annual event of the Association of Transportation Law Professionals where topics of interest to those who work on legal issues related to transportation, trade, and intermodalism are discussed.

Acting Chairman Michael Khouri and Commissioner Rebecca Dye opened the event during an “Introduction to the Federal Maritime Commission” session. Acting Chairman Khouri provided a description of the history and jurisdiction of the FMC and highlighted both recent accomplishments of the agency as well as what is on the agenda for the near future. Commissioner Dye spoke about “Fact Finding 28”, the Commission’s soon to be completed investigation into detention and demurrage practices which she is leading.

“Many attending the Transportation Forum are legal professionals who work primarily on rail, truck, and aviation issues. These modes of domestic transportation support the international commerce arriving and departing the United States via ship. It was a welcome opportunity to discuss the history and work of the Commission and explain how we protect the shipping public from unlawful, unfair, and deceptive ocean transportation practices,” said Acting Chairman Khouri

During the daylong forum, attendees heard presentations from representatives of the Surface Transportation Board, the Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Technology, and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Presentations of other panels addressed Fact Finding 28 and developments in the motor carrier, aviation, and high-speed rail industries.